
Showing posts from June, 2020

Let Your Skincare Do the Heavy Lifting While You Sleep

Consecutive nights of great sleep can do wonders for your skin, not to mention your overall health. If you look at it the opposite way, poor sleep quality increases stress hormone levels, which leads to skin that appears inflamed, dull, and dehydrated, to mention a few.  Anti-Age Cream But let’s focus on the positive by taking advantage of your restful nights or at least minimizing the effects of less than fruitful nights with skincare products designed to work wonderfully while you rest. Seek out a results-driven brand known for making products that nourish, repair, and moisturize your skin effectively. Overnight Face Mask Formulas Typically, we think of face masks as something we apply during the day when we want to feel like we are at the spa. Certain formulas can serve double duty as an overnight sleep mask, however. Be sure this is the case with the mask you choose. An effective face mask will help counter the signs of aging by reducing the visible sign...

How to Build a Regimen Designed to Help Diminish Dark Spots

There are a number of reasons you may discover dark spots or discoloration upon your skin. They can be a sign of aging or changing hormones, for one. Increased exposure to the sun can also lead to dark spots, and blemishes may also leave behind marks that are darker than your skin’s natural tone. If these are among the primary concerns you have for your skin, consider going beyond just including a dark spot corrector in your regimen. Instead, build a daily routine full of products specifically formulated to promote a brighter, more even-looking complexion and reduce the appearance of dark spots and discoloration.  Dark Spot Corrector Start with the Right Cleanser Having an effective cleanser is the first step toward achieving a smoother, more even-looking complexion. Makeup left on the skin can lead to oily buildup, which in turn can cause blemishes or dullness due to debris and impurities on the surface of your face. These issues may contribute to discolora...

5 Skincare Essentials for Men as They Get Older

For many men, skincare isn’t always at the top of their priority list. Even so, it’s still important, and just as women rely on their coveted products for their lip contours , eye area, and more, men need a few essentials to help them age timelessly. Especially as they get older, men could use an anti aging skincare regimen to help keep their skin strong, smooth, and at its best. Using these five products can provide phenomenal results. Lip Contours Banish the Appearance of Dark Circles with an Under Eye Gel Fatigue and the general appearance of tiredness haunt practically everyone as they age. All those long days and early mornings can start to add up and show themselves in your under eye area. Especially if you work behind a computer all day, the strain can start to show after a prolonged period and only gets worse with time. To address this concern, an eye gel will work to help smooth the appearance of fine lines and other blemishes.  Deeply Clean Your ...

Causes of Dull Skin and What You Can Do About It

Skin that looks tired, dull, or otherwise unhealthy, happens for a variety of reasons, including lack of sleep, not moisturizing properly, not taking makeup off before bed, clogged pores, living in a dry climate—you name it. Once you pinpoint the causes, you can take charge of getting back your healthy, radiant-looking glow. Below is a more in-depth look at some of the main reasons skin can appear lackluster and what you can do about it with the right skincare products.  Eye Contours Remove Dead Skin Cell Buildup When dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin, the fresh new cells underneath are hidden. The result is skin that looks less than radiant. You can help give your skin a boost by shedding those dead skin cells through exfoliation a few times a week. Products with alpha hydroxy acids help slough dead skin cells so that the younger, smoother-looking skin underneath can replace the dull, dead cells. Exfoliation stimulates cell turnover and bo...